miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020

Resultado de imagen para imagenes escolares bonitas

Semana del 27 al 31 de enero

Martes 28-01-20:
Lleva tarea de ciencia.

Jueves 30-01-20:
Repite 3 veces las palabra del dictado N° 15 y escribe una narración con todas ellas.

martes, 28 de enero de 2020

January 27th - 31st

Spelling List #14

  1. bath
  2. whip
  3. whale
  4. path
  5. think
  6. mouth
  7. wheel
  8. teeth
Monday: Write each Spelling word 4 times with its drawings. Make 4 sentences due tomorrow.

Wednesday: Grammar Workbook pages 85 - 87 due tomorrow.

  • Grammar Checkup due Friday. Study Nouns, Nouns that name more than one, Other nouns for more than one, Special nouns for people, animals, place and things.
  • Prepare your Show and Tell about "My Family"  due next week, the assigned dates will be from Wednesday, February 5th - Friday, February 7th. 
- The assigned dates cannot be changed.
- Each student will have 1 minute to present his/her show and tell.

martes, 21 de enero de 2020

Semana del 20 al 24 de enero

Martes 21:
Lleva tarea en el cuaderno de matemática.
Miércoles 22:
Estudia las palabras del dictado # 13: Maestro, enseña, profesión, orienta, grandes, educación y generosidad. 
Jueves 23:
Repite 3 veces cada palabra y escribe una narración con todas las palabras del dictado #14.

1 A:
Para una actividad especial de arte, se solicitó una cartulina doble fax, las indicaciones las llevan en el diario. Por favor enviarla el viernes 24.

Resultado de imagen para imagenes educativas

January 20th - 24th

Spelling List #13

  1. ship
  2. wish
  3. chin
  4. shop
  5. sheep
  6. much
  7. shoe
  8. chop
Monday: Write each Spelling word 4 times with its drawings, make 4 sentences due tomorrow. Spelling Drill due Wednesday (Prepare 4 sentences)

Tuesday: Grammar Book. Do pages 83 and 84 due tomorrow.
Spelling Test due Friday. (Prepare 4 sentences).

martes, 14 de enero de 2020

January 13th -17th

Spelling List #12

  1. tall
  2. hill
  3. fill
  4. call
  5. egg
  6. grass
  7. miss
  8. little
Monday: Write each Spelling word 4 times with its drawings, make 4 sentences due tomorrow.

Tuesday: Handout in your folder due Thursday.

Spelling Test due Thursday, no Spelling Drill (Prepare 4 sentences).

martes, 7 de enero de 2020

Imagen relacionada

Les damos la bienvenida al segundo lapso y les deseamos de todo corazón que tengan un
Imagen relacionada
     ¡Feliz año!

Jueves 9: Repetir 4 veces las palabras del dictado # 12 y escribe una oración con cada una.

January 7th - 10th

Spelling List #11

  1. arms
  2. feet
  3. hands
  4. head
  5. fingers
  6. legs
  7. face
  8. nose
Monday: Write each Spelling word 4 times with its drawings and write 2 sentences due tomorrow.
Spelling Test due Friday.

Wednesday: Grammar Book. Do pages 81 and 82 due tomorrow.